Men Building Relationships. Pastor Vern Burgess from Post Falls Idaho and Dr. David Wenzel jointly presented to the Grace Community Church Mens Group on Saturday Feb. 17th, 2024.
DSM 5 Update, Fircrest Behavioral Health Staff in-service training, by Dr. David Wenzel, Nov 17th, 2022
Suicide Awareness and Prevention, Good Shepherd Community Church, staff in-service training November 8th, 2020, jointly presented by Hollis Maclean Wenzel, and Dr. David MacLean Wenzel.
Marriage Mentoring. Hollis and Dave Wenzel presented a training for the Good Shepherd Church Marriage Ministry on Nov 3rd 2019.
Couples Marriage Seminar. Hollis MacLean Wenzel and Dr. David Wenzel presented on Saturday January 26th, 2019 at Door of Hope Church in Portland.
“Sibling Rivalry.” Dr. David Wenzel presented to the Good Shepherd Mom-to-Mom group on January 10th, 2019.
Narrative Therapy and it’s clinical applications. Dr. David Wenzel lectured for CNS 504 Graduate Systems Theory class at Western Seminary, January 29th, 2018.
Effectively Communicating Love in the Immediate Family. Dr. David Wenzel, Damascus Community Church Mom’s Group on February 14th, 2018.
Communication that Builds Lasting Relationships. Dr. David Wenzel, Laurelwood Church (Washington) MOPs group, March 8th, 2018.
Adlerian Therapy and it’s clinical applications. Dr. David Wenzel lectured for CNS 504 Graduate Systems Theory class at Western Seminary on Monday April 30th 2018.
“Challenges to Marital Contentment”, Dr. Dave Wenzel Easthill MOMSnext group February 2nd, 2017
Developing Brain in Childhood, Dr. David Wenzel, Good Shepherd Family Connections Class, November 13th, 2017.
Digital Addictions and Children, Dr. Dave Wenzel, Good Shepherd Family Connections Class on Sunday December 4th 2017.
“The Digital Life of the Family.” Dr. David Wenzel, Damascus Church MOMs group, March 8th 2017.
Parenting: The Building Blocks to Identity Development, Good Shepherd Family Connections, Sunday May 1st, 2016, by Dr. Dave Wenzel
DSM 5 Update, Western Psychological & Counseling Services System-wide inservice, January 12th, 2016, by Dr. Dave Wenzel
Responding to those Intending Self-Harm, Grace Community Church, February 9th, 2016, Dr. Dave Wenzel
Open Q&A on Relationships and Parenting, Good Shepherd Family Connections, May 15th 2016, Hollis MacLean Wenzel and Dr. Dave Wenzel
Statistics and Sustainable Marriage, presented by Dr. David Wenzel to the Good Shepherd Family Connections, Nov 1st, 2015
Why Women Need Chocolate, Presentation Feb 9th, 2003; Jan 15th, 2007; Jan 11th, 2011;
Therapy Goes to the Movies, Presentation for Sunnyside Counseling Center Continuing Ed Workshop, Jan 30th, 2004.
Growing Up to Contentment, Attachment and Bonding, Concordia University, July 6th, 2004.
Will You Be My Valentine, Presentation for Community Church, Feb 11th, 2006.
Food and Mood, workshop presentation for Sunnyside Counseling Center, presented jointly with Hollis MacLean Wenzel, MS, LMFT, Oct. 26th 2007.
Early Childhood Development in Plain Language April 8th, 2008
Marriage Conference, Mt Scott Church of God, May 8th, 2008. Presented jointly with Hollis MacLean Wenzel.
Reconnect, Rejuvenate and Renew, Keynote Address, Oregon Counselors Association, Oct 29th, 2010.
Shepherding People in Pain, Grace Community Church, Nov 5th, 2010.
World View Issues, Good Shepherd Community Church, Nov 28th and Dec 5th, 2010.
What to Tell the Children, Mountain Park Tuff Stuff Conference, Jan 15th, 2011, Presented Jointly with Hollis MacLean Wenzel.
Raising Girls v. Raising Boys, Good Shepherd Community Church, Families Matters, Feb 20th, 27th 2011.
Marriage Conference, Mt Scott Church of God, March 12th, 2011. Presented Jointly with Hollis MacLean Wenzel.
Embracing a Porcupine: The Digitization of Our Lives, Mt Scott Church of God, Aug 21st and 28th, 2011.
Reality v. Fantasy, Good Shepherd Community Church, Family Connections, April 22nd and 29th, 2012.
Embracing a Porcupine: The Digitization of Our Lives, Mountain Park Church, June 17th and 24th, 2012.
Diverse Winds of Change in the Field of Counseling, Keynote Address, Oregon Counselors Association, Nov 2nd, 2012.
Embracing a Porcupine: The Digitization of Our Lives, Workshop, Oregon Counselors Association, Nov 3rd, 2012.
Embracing a Porcupine: The Digitization of Our Lives, Hinson Church First Thursdays, Feb 7th 2013
Embracing a Porcupine: The Digitization of Our Lives, Yoga Calm Summer Intensive Workshop, June 17th, 2013.
Update to the DSM, Continuing Education Workshop Western Seminary, Portland Oregon, July 17th, 2013.
The Brain and Aging, Association of Churches of God in OR and SW Washington, Summer Camp Meeting, July 23rd-25th, 2013
Update to the DSM, Continuing Education Workshop Western Seminary, Portland Oregon, Sept 6th, 2013.
Update to the DSM, Continuing Education Workshop Western Seminary, San Jose CA, Oct 25th, 2013.
The Gift of Loses, Keynote Address, Northwest Conference Church of God, Jan 25th, 2014.
Embracing a Porcupine: The Digitization of Our Lives, Conference Workshop, Northwest Conference Church of God, Jan 25th, 2014.
Update to the DSM, Continuing Education Workshop Western Seminary, Portland Oregon, Jan 31st, 2014.
Marriage Improvement Seminar. Hollis MacLean Wenzel and Dr. David Wenzel presented at St. Ignatius Church on September 30th, 2018, from 1:00 to 5:00pm.
“The Family in the Digital Age.” Dr. David Wenzel presented to the Laurelwood Baptist Church Mom’s group, October 25th, 2018.
Business of Counseling (graduate class) Hollis MacLean Wenzel and Dr. Dave Wenzel at Western Seminary, Sept 29th and 30th 2017.
Role of God in Change. Dr. David Wenzel at the Celebrate Recovery group at Good Shepherd Community Church on November 10th, 2017.
Dr. Dave Wenzel assisted as moderator at the Enhancing Christian Soul Care Counseling Symposium, at New Hope Church on October 22nd, 2016. The symposium was sponsored by Western Seminary.
Advanced Integration (Graduate course), Western Seminary San Jose, Dr. Dave Wenzel
Let it Go: Recovery and Loss, GSCC Celebrate Recovery, May 13th, 2016 , Dr. Dave Wenzel
Recognizing Abuse, Damascus Community Church MOMS, May 11th, 2016, Dr. Dave Wenzel
Parenting in Adolescence “Teen Challenges“, Good Shepherd Family Connections, April 24th, 2016, Dr. Dave Wenzel
Maintaining Healthy Relationships, Damascus Community Church MOMS group on April 13th 2016,, Dr. Dave Wenzel
The Business of Counseling (Graduate course), Western Seminary, February 26th and 27th, 2016, Dr. Dave Wenzel and Hollis MacLean Wenzel
The Challenge of Blended Families, at Eugene First Baptist Church, January 31st 2015, Dr. Dave Wenzel and Hollis MacLean Wenzel
Marriage Summit Conference at First Baptist Church of Eugene, January 29th and 30th 2015, Dr. Dave Wenzel and Hollis MacLean Wenzel
Parenting in Adolescence, Good Shepherd Family Connections, Good Shepherd Family Connections, Dec 6th, 2015, Dr. Dave Wenzel
Sibling Rivalry, Easthill MOMSnext Nov. 5th, 2015, Dr. Dave Wenzel
God Needs to Be in Therapy, workshop presentation for Sunnyside Counseling Center, March 1998.
The Crisis of Self Esteem, workshop presentation for Sunnyside Counseling Center, March 1997.
A Model of Mental Health, workshop presentation for Sunnyside Counseling Center, February, 1996.
Leading by Walking, Fellowship Bible Church, Keynote presentation for the Men’s Retreat, August 16th, 2001.
Born Into Families, Sunnyside Counseling Center Continuing Ed Workshop, Oct 11th, 2002.
A Model of Mental Health from a Christian World View, paper presented by Dr. David Wenzel to the 47th Annual Meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society, Nov. 1995.