Book Us to Speak!
Book one of our counselors to speak to your community group. We can address a wide range of mental health topics such as parenting, marriage, relationships, communication, depression and more. See our speaking and workshops page for current and past engagements and topics.
Changes and Transitions!
Hollis and Dave Wenzel have closed their private practices to new clients, and are transitioning their practices to Marriage Intensives. They are SUPER excited about this transition. Please visit the Northwest Marriage Intensives website to learn more.

Stay Informed!
Check out posts by counselors, videos, books and articles they find helpful and recommend. Click on the link to the left “Posts, Blogs, Links” to see what’s new.
We encourage you to help shape a better future for yourself and those you love.
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
Maya Angelou